“A Neo-Tantra Approach to Sex Work” by Leola
I used to hold so much judgment of the sexual side of myself. As I stepped into tantra professionally, I had even more fear that I’d be considered a sex worker. I worried men would not commit to me because of how generously I overflow into the world; because of how easy it is for me to see the best in others and want to love all of them for it. I worried they’d want to keep all of me and my gifts to themselves. I worried women would ostracize me. Blame me for loving their men too openly. Feel threatened by the fullness of my expression.
Professionally speaking, sexual energy is a cornerstone of my work. The sex work I do is very different from traditional sex work, in that there is no penetrative sex and I’m more focused on empowering people to master their life force energy and heal their trauma, rather than meeting a desire. This often involves talking about what our genitals do, and sometimes massaging said genitals.
But I truly believe even simply meeting a desire, fulfilling a fantasy, or offering loving, erotic touch (with or without penetration) can be super high-vibration, expansive, and healing. When done with integral intentions, even traditional sex work can offer people safety, permission, and connection. In this way, I do not believe there is anything wrong with exchanging money for sex of any kind, in that it is all sacred.
I have even gone so far as to reclaim the meaning of sex work. Times are changing. Systems are crumbling and sex work can evolve alongside the expansion into higher states of consciousness. To be a sex worker in an evolved paradigm is to be the living embodiment of limitless love. The evolved sex worker has fully integrated their spiritual and sexual self, inspiring others to do the same. They are magnetic beings worthy of unwavering devotion and love. According to this definition, I can proudly say, “I am a sex worker.”
Even the words we’ve used to describe sex workers, such as “whore” and “prostitute”, have a powerful meaning beneath their stigma. The word “whore” etymologically means Holy Woman. The hora in Hebrew is a sacred dance of harlots, brides of God. “Prostitute” has roots originating from “prostrating” (lying) at the altar. So a prostitute may be defined as one who lies at the altar. Whether she lies there to pray or to have sex…? Maybe they’re the same thing?
Over thousands of years, these words and the women behind them have been demonized and cast out. But my mission has been to reclaim them – to help people see the integration of their spirituality and sexuality.
The world needs individuals living in the fullness of their presence, pleasure, and purpose. This is less about becoming a teacher or guru and more about being the embodiment of a sexually liberated human. It means becoming turned on by life – and often it helps to have a professional (aka, a sex worker) support your process.
Disclaimer: It is important to be discerning with consuming sex work. We can sometimes use sex work as a way to avoid deeper human connection, intimacy, and commitment. We also must be responsible in ensuring the supplier is of age, of sound mind, empowered, and sovereign in his/her desire to engage in this line of work.
Be safe, be love, Leola
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IG: @talktantratome