
Chebo defines sexy as being comfortable with yourself. She also says that “Sexy is being yourself and not caring about what others think of you”.  Chebo tells us that “It’s so important to celebrate feeling sexy because it’s an accomplishment. Self love is a process so….why the hell not celebrate that fully?”  She feels her most sexy when she is taking care of herself, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and feeling super clear headed….and also, tanning naked! Chebo loves the ocean and finds the sound of waves sexy.  She dreams of living on a houseboat in the middle of the ocean for months on end. Things that spark sexiness for her are the smell of a new candle, the feel of velvet, warm sun-kissed skin and sand on her skin. Her sexy is throwing on a slip dress at any time of day and having messy hair. “I was once told that my skin reminded them of a warm vanilla latte and that made me feel sexy.” – Chebo

Double Exposure – EDITORIAL

Double Exposure – OUTTAKES

Bubble and Berries – EDITORIAL

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