This month Amethyst spoke with Jocelyn Binder.
Edited by Elaine Tarutis
Amethyst had wanted to shoot with Jocelyn for a long time. But we’re located on different coasts and frequently travel.
We talked many times, and finally were both in Miami at the same time. e planned to shoot on a beach, at Haulover Park, and later downtown in a Brickell high-rise condo.
Our interview follows.
• AM: How did you become a model?
JB: As a child, I always loved being in the limelight. I used to perform improv shows for my parents and their friends while standing on our fireplace hearth. At age 15, still in braces, I finally convinced my parents to let me have my first photoshoot.
Modeling has given me so much confidence over the years. Being able to express myself through the art of photography and videography has become my strongest passion. I love using my body to form shapes and to convey emotion. It hasn’t always been easy because I’m a few inches below, and a few years above the model industry standards.
• AM: What were your thoughts about the modeling industry when you first started?
JB: Initially, the industry was very different. It focused on tall young women, and I was at a disadvantage both with my very young age and my height – under 5’8”. So I heard a lot of “no”s. But I was fortunate to work with several well-known photographers who saw potential in my look and hustle, and I built a strong portfolio that began to make up for my shortcomings (pun intended).
• AM: How do you feel about the industry now?
JB: The industry has shifted with Instagram and other social media outlets that allow models to gain their own audiences independently and to build their own brands. It’s very empowering, and I’ve been able to work with some of the brands I love, like Beach Bunny and Honey Birdette, without an agency involved at all!
• AM: What were some of the tougher moments in your modeling career?
JB: Overcoming the age and height disadvantages were a challenge, but I’d say the biggest obstacle was dealing with my breast cancer. After my initial diagnosis, I learned it had spread to my lymph nodes, so I underwent chemotherapy and a double-mastectomy. As a model, losing my breasts and hair felt like a career-ender at the time. But as I recovered, I started being offered shoot bookings again, and slowly things ramped back up! I never thought I’d have my biggest achievements post-breast cancer! Like the book I wrote, Sexy After Breast Cancer available on Amazon!
• AM: Tell me more about how the cancer treatment affected your modeling career.
JB: Well, I had been a busty model with mermaid locks. Undergoing a double mastectomy and going bald from chemotherapy – it completely halted my career!
During my treatment, I was stuck in bed with only a semblance of a personal life. I spent a lot of time on Instagram, but I didn’t mention anything about my health battles at the time. It was really the last thing I wanted to talk about. Instagram was a place where I could escape the realities of my treatment, make friends, and stay connected with my passion for modeling.
•AM: I know you did meditation and yoga throughout your treatment. How did those help?
JB: Meditation and yoga are both great ways to take your body from a sympathetic to a parasympathetic state. Without any of the science that we know today, ancient yogic practitioners were already writing the manuals on techniques and practices to train the mind to switch between these states, to work more efficiently, and to heighten awareness and the senses. Yoga and meditation can teach us to use the sympathetic state to harness energy, focus, solve problems, and create. They teach that it is equally important to calm the mind, to turn on our parasympathetic state, and to balance the mind, body, and their connections.
•AM: How did you become cancer free?
JB: Through a combination of Eastern and Western medicine techniques, along with a strong focus on nutrition and exercise. This October 25th will mark two years of having no detectable trace of cancer in my body. But we know it lurks there, amongst the shadows, out of reach of the scans and too small to detect in my blood. It’s the same incurable cancer that went from my breasts to my lymph nodes to my bones. I also had teams of the best doctors – Dr. David Hoffman of Cedars Sinai is my quarterback, assisted by Larisa Gallo. I’m currently on endocrine therapy, which I’ll be on for the rest of my life. One of the drugs in my cocktail, Ibrance, is currently priced at $10,000-12,000/month. Monthly pills, injections and quarterly scans mean it costs a lot to keep me alive. So I’m high maintenance, but not in the way you’d think!
• AM: You mentioned writing a book, Sexy After Breast Cancer. Why did you write it?
JB: I wrote my book to share my story and help others who have found themselves in a fight with cancer to understand all of their options, how to best fight the battles, and to make the most of their journeys. It’s sold on Amazon, and has truly given me more reward than I could have imagined. It has helped me bring so many incredibly strong and inspiring people into my world, and the quality of my life has increased exponentially.
• AM: Looking back at your life’s journey so far, what stands out to you in terms of successes and challenges?
JB: I’ve accomplished so much more than I thought I’d be able to with the break in my career for my breast cancer journey! I’m super proud of having been a cover girl for Maxim, Glamour, Bazzaar and others! And it’s a lot of fun to work with some of my favorite brands creating content, like I have with Honey Birdette and Beach Bunny. And recently, reaching a million followers on Instagram felt like a big achievement. But one of the most rewarding highlights has been writing my book, Sexy After Breast Cancer. It was very cathartic to share my journey and to receive the feedback from those who have been touched by it.
At this point, I can confidently say that my modeling career has only gotten better after battling cancer. I honestly feel more beautiful than ever, having honed in on my advocacy and love of inspiring others. And now, I can appreciate what a miracle my survival is. Daily gratitude attracts exponentially more beauty and positivity, which I spread with the awareness that there is no limit. No matter how much sunshine is spread, it will never run out. I truly believe that the more you give without expectations, the more you receive.
In terms of challenges, I certainly look back at my battles with breast cancer and feel proud to have come through it in a way that has freed me from many of society’s expectations and pressures. However, I have to work to maintain the daily perspective that my life is very unique and to curtail the urges I have to compare my life to those of others.
• AM: What is your message for women who might find themselves in the same situation as you?
JB: One of the things you will catch me preaching about is educating yourself about your diagnosis and treatment options. There is a lot of fear surrounding a cancer diagnosis, and rightfully so. A lot of pressure comes from the timelines, and many patients are rushed into treatment by their doctors. However, in many cases, taking a week or two to understand the journey you are about to set out on is more important that beginning treatment right away.
You will also find that taking the time to properly nourish and rest your body will actually make you more productive. You’ll be able to function better in professional and personal relationships, be able to focus more on quality over quantity, and live a much happier life. By making these gradual lifestyle changes through my journey, not only have I completely healed myself (there is no longer a trace of cancer in my tests or scans), but I have grown into a much better person. I am happier. I certainly don’t sweat the small problems in life as much, which means less stress and more smiles!
• AM: Is there any other advice you want to share with our readers?
JB: It’s so important to forgive yourself for not knowing things you didn’t know until you lived through it. Honor your path, and trust your journey. Learn, grow, evolve, and heal. When we are about to experience greater freedom, what is no longer serving us comes to the surface to be released. The universe is preparing you for the next level.
Also, giving thanks for what we have, even if it isn’t enough to feel “rich,” or isn’t as much as we would like to have. That’s the key to gaining more. Gratitude is circular. The more often you acknowledge and appreciate what you have, the more the universe will bestow upon you. I promise it will!
Jocelyn Binder is a two-time breast cancer survivor, Reiki energy worker, model, actress, social media influencer, and Keynote Speaker. She is also the author of Sexy After Breast Cancer, available on Amazon.