Like it or not, sexual energy is the fabric of our existence. It is the most powerful energy on the planet, and simultaneously the most often misunderstood, misconstrued, and miserably underrated.
Sex created me. It created you. It created everyone you know. Every human, plant, and animal on the Earth is the product of sex. Look around you now. Seriously. Turn your head the full 90 degrees left, and then 90 degrees right. I’ll bet that nearly everything you see in your midst was either directly created by sex or was created by someone or something that resulted from a procreative act.
Sex is literally why we’re all here – is there anything more spiritual than that?
And yet, so many of us received a sexual education that is fear based, shame inducing, and not entirely honest. Traditional sexual education and the way society approaches sex can be inherently traumatizing.
I can almost guarantee you received a lot of mixed messages from parents, religion, school sex ed, peers, and especially pop culture and the media around what is deemed sexually acceptable. These form beliefs and shadows that are often so deeply rooted in our subconscious that we aren’t aware we are allowing these limiting perspectives to rule our intimate lives.
And yet, it is with awareness that we are empowered to move beyond a victim mindset – to use these traumas as gateways into ourselves. I say all this to empower you. To show you where you may be limiting yourself unconsciously. The intention of these words is to set you free. You get to choose if the narratives of fear, limiting beliefs around sexuality, and judgmental stereotypes suit you. Or if there’s something more expansive for your highest self – which, spoiler alert, there is.
Enter, Sacred Sex Ed: the sex education you almost certainly didn’t have, but that we all desperately need; a sex education that is empowering, honest, and pleasure-based. It is the pathway to a future in which we feel empowered by our desires, rather than a slave to them; in which we feel celebratory of our nakedness and vulnerability. Sacred Sex Ed is creating a world where we can openly and emphatically talk about the energy and acts that brought us into it.
Learn more about this movement and purchase the book, Sacred Sex Ed at www.talktantratome.com/book
Be safe, be love, Leola
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IG: @talktantratome